11-13-2014, 07:25 AM
quote:no snorkle, it wouldn't have cost them one vote in this election. Do you grasp what the voter fraud investigation is based on, because it sounds like you don't.
Originally posted by snorkle
From Kathy,
quote:Originally posted by snorkle
They should obviously subtract one vote from Tiffany's total in the Primary, and recalculate the winner.
why? This makes no sense even as snark?
Because, if this was an evil plan by Tiffany to defraud the people of Hawaii County, it would have cost them one vote. (A brilliant, but ultimately ineffective strategy).
If it had cost them a vote, this piece of snark would still be offensive, because you are mocking a foundation of our representative republic, which is the belief that when we vote it does matter. Your comment is very offensive to me as an American citizen (and member of DAR).