11-13-2014, 01:21 PM
quote:It would if you read through it.
Originally posted by snorkle
Jeez Kathy, Your 800 word explanation of the simple oath sure makes it clear.
quote:Not true. Two adverbs, which only have meaning as they are applied to specific verbs in the sentence. They cannot stand alone and have any generalized meaning. That is why I broke down the syntax in my post.
But it basically comes down to two words; Knowingly, willingly.
quote:Show me one specific citation that agrees with you relevant to this statute. What in the world does "other considerations" mean, and what shadow do they cast again?
Motive and other considerations cast reasonable doubt.
Captain Wagner stated that motive was irrelevant to proving the case. Of course he is not the prosecutor, but it's something to chew on.
This investigation still matters to voters because Tiffany could easily regroup and run again in 2016. However, if she is convicted under this Title, she will be barred from ever holding public office in Hawai'i.
So it is a definitely a matter of interest to voters how it works out, and to those who are considering tossing a hat in the ring in two years.
I fully realize that the law is not always applied in the way I think it should be. However, that is no reason not to look at the law and facts in question. In fact, if the motivation of the police and prosecutor's office to uphold the law is in question (your argument not mine), all the more reason to look carefully at the case.