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Something interesting at Safeway gas pumps
Saw someone washing his windows while pumping gas (something I remember doing in the old days). So I wonder was the gas actually flowing while the windows were being washed (because you have to hold the handle to keep the flow going, otherwise it stops.). Well, turns out the gas was flowing because I heard a clunk and the handle jumped.
Figuered out he had something jammed into the handle to lock it on so he wouldn’t have to stand there and hold it. That something was his tethered gas cap. Handle clicks off, he flips the cap out and replaces it and the nozzle and he’s off.
Slicker than snot and only took a few seconds.
Makes me wonder why I hadn’t thougt of it!
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Messages In This Thread
Something interesting at Safeway gas pumps - by EightFingers - 01-22-2019, 05:08 PM
RE: Something interesting at Safeway gas pumps - by Guest - 01-22-2019, 05:10 PM
RE: Something interesting at Safeway gas pumps - by Guest - 01-23-2019, 01:23 PM

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