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Police Encounter With Hawaiian National in Pahoa
I've chatted with Uncle Robert a time or two, maybe more about His whole Hawaiian annexation thing. More with the people around him, working or freeloading at his house/site..

The talk behind his back is astounding and I seriously doubt he would condone this kids actions.

First hand query with some of the people around him,, not his direct family, but others laugh and scoff what he actually believes verses their rumors.

He's absolutely no problems with the US or statehood too.

He'd also offered to bless my property. and just as his back was turned, others, I won't mention names, did, in as much call him a fool and hypocrite.

Moreover, it's a cultural expression, salvaging native history.

However the things that leave his premises, abuses in his namesake, I don't believe Uncle Robert is fully aware of or, has his blessings. .

He's an incredible man and wrongly named in cases such as this kid and his attempts to beat the system, freeload.

I've also no doubt that, had that kid not made it beyond obvious his video taping would been seen by others, if not more but that officer or two who yanked the other kid out of the truck, would have beaten them. Brutalized the jerks.. Don't kid your selves, our cops have a license to cuff and stuff by any means the can get away with.. AND MANY DO IT FREQUENTLY!!

any time there's no witness those kids would have been beaten, brutalized, verses that highly unusual out come..

An out-come in which, unless you've got cameras they can't break or remove, was resolved, regardless whether they were freeloading, cheating the system,, an ending where punishment is not issued until the courts dictate it..

This is not just about Hawaiian culture, it's one way to protect your self from brutality.

without it, those kids would be playing the system for another get out of jail card on claims of brutality.

At any time in any place within the US you see a cop speeding without cause, texting too, changing lanes without blinkers, or of the several ordinary violations they'd cuff and stuff you for??

That's the one who'll beat you when nobody knows.. his word against yours is a 99.999999999% success rate for our "Proud to serve and deflect officers'

Not all, certainly not all, but there's plenty on their football team. many would be surprised, no doubt very surprised.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Police Encounter With Hawaiian National in Pahoa - by dmbwest - 12-08-2014, 06:51 PM
RE: Police Encounter With Hawaiian National in Pahoa - by dmbwest - 12-09-2014, 08:55 PM
RE: Police Encounter With Hawaiian National in Pahoa - by Jeffhale - 12-12-2014, 03:22 PM
RE: Police Encounter With Hawaiian National in Pahoa - by dmbwest - 12-12-2014, 07:26 PM

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