12-16-2014, 05:57 AM
The part in this bill, was written by Citicorp, and that person, gave that to a Congressman, who then, added it to the bill. This Congressman is a traitor, and should be impeached. Here he is:
As far as the two Hawaii Congresswomen voting no on this, I don't think we can sir here and say that they voted that way to gain more favor from their constituants. I take if for face value. That is, they saw this insertion in the bill that, if passed, once again would screw the American citizens, and voted nay because they were not going to sign on for this abomination of a bill. And, there was still a chance for the Senate to vote it down. These two Congresswomen did the right thing, and we should not criticize them for that.
I would think the folks in Kansas would be ready to tar and feather Congressman Yoder.
Jon in Keaau/HPP
As far as the two Hawaii Congresswomen voting no on this, I don't think we can sir here and say that they voted that way to gain more favor from their constituants. I take if for face value. That is, they saw this insertion in the bill that, if passed, once again would screw the American citizens, and voted nay because they were not going to sign on for this abomination of a bill. And, there was still a chance for the Senate to vote it down. These two Congresswomen did the right thing, and we should not criticize them for that.
I would think the folks in Kansas would be ready to tar and feather Congressman Yoder.
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP