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Need a trench dug, recommendations?
I would be very surprised if the main component (perhaps even 100%) of that product was not simple Diatomaceous Earth. It is amazingly versatile stuff, used in insect control, filtration, food suplements, etc., etc.. I first discovered it years ago when looking for a cheap, safe for fish and birds, medium for repairing leaks in a friend's water-feature. When mixed w other soils it creates a seal in cracks and holes (when kept saturated). I recall the warning not to use full strength (uncut), as it would swell too much and cause additional damage.


I feel a lot more like I do now, than I did a while ago...
I feel a lot more like I do now, than I did a while ago...

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RE: Need a trench dug, recommendations? - by No reply IS necessary - 12-17-2014, 03:02 AM

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