12-21-2014, 12:48 AM
It does not matter what grows once the lava covers it. It will require creating an entirely new eco system once it's fully covered. The lave flow is deforesting it, I'm talking about getting ahead of the lava flow by some 100-200 feet and harvesting useful trees and lumber before it's destroyed.
Faroutsider: "Nutrients and burnt nutrients left on the forest floor are picked up in very small quantities and carried to the roots of new plants by rainwater"
Dude,, there ain't no friggen nutrients left once lava covers it, 2-4, up to 20 feet high! which combinations of facts are you citing to support your position? Are you even on the same subject, citing eco systems after forest fires? forest fires and the resulting action, has absolutely nothing to do with the type of eco system in lava covered land.
"Combine that information with the fact that it would not be profitable and that's why nobody's going to do it"
I know right, because you've done it? LOL It doesn't sound like you've even been on the big island, have you?
What's being burnt and covered over is land that has taken 100 years or more to recover after being completely destroyed, from zero nutrients too recovery brought on by wind, rain and airborne seeds and nutrents. That recovery will not be affected at all by harvesting it before the lava covers it over.
No worry about 'tree huggers' Royal, LOL
Waste not want not. rather than sit around and watch hardwoods burn and get completely covered over,, rather than just let lava destroy buildings, salvage recovery can be quite profitable.
The only question regarding profitability is dependent on the usefulness of the trees which lay in its path and the energy exerted to do it. .
It appears to be mostly Ohia tree which is a great hardwood but difficult to season. Regardless from a brief look around at the retail cost of Ohia poles, Seasoned and pealed 4 inch diameter x 10 foot long retail = $100 I estimate at lowest average each raw tree is 25 bucks wholesale to a lumber milling site. , and there's , 10's of thousands of trees that will be completely wasted, up in smoke. slabs at retail are $12 a board foot.
Recycling before devastation ought to be a tree huggers dream come true. harvesting before burning and polluting the air plenty good too.
Faroutsider: "Nutrients and burnt nutrients left on the forest floor are picked up in very small quantities and carried to the roots of new plants by rainwater"
Dude,, there ain't no friggen nutrients left once lava covers it, 2-4, up to 20 feet high! which combinations of facts are you citing to support your position? Are you even on the same subject, citing eco systems after forest fires? forest fires and the resulting action, has absolutely nothing to do with the type of eco system in lava covered land.
"Combine that information with the fact that it would not be profitable and that's why nobody's going to do it"
I know right, because you've done it? LOL It doesn't sound like you've even been on the big island, have you?
What's being burnt and covered over is land that has taken 100 years or more to recover after being completely destroyed, from zero nutrients too recovery brought on by wind, rain and airborne seeds and nutrents. That recovery will not be affected at all by harvesting it before the lava covers it over.
No worry about 'tree huggers' Royal, LOL
Waste not want not. rather than sit around and watch hardwoods burn and get completely covered over,, rather than just let lava destroy buildings, salvage recovery can be quite profitable.
The only question regarding profitability is dependent on the usefulness of the trees which lay in its path and the energy exerted to do it. .
It appears to be mostly Ohia tree which is a great hardwood but difficult to season. Regardless from a brief look around at the retail cost of Ohia poles, Seasoned and pealed 4 inch diameter x 10 foot long retail = $100 I estimate at lowest average each raw tree is 25 bucks wholesale to a lumber milling site. , and there's , 10's of thousands of trees that will be completely wasted, up in smoke. slabs at retail are $12 a board foot.
Recycling before devastation ought to be a tree huggers dream come true. harvesting before burning and polluting the air plenty good too.