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buying/developing land
Looks like things have disappeared; this is my string for developing a lovely 30 acre piece of property on N. Glenwood Rd. It has been several months of fun adventure; if you have been watching the string you know the stories.

Short version: we bought 30 acres of lovely pastureland dotted with rainforest. We have found awesome neighbors, lovely sights, and are planning on building our dream/retirement home.

Adventures have been hilarious as often as wonderful.

For example, I boutht a 4x4 truck used drove it out onto the property and got it stuck in a hole. Took two days, two tow companies refusing to go out into the pasture and a wonderful local native with a jeep 4x4 to get it out.

We have begun setting posts for fencing, weedwhacking five foot tall grass and bought a tractor to mow the rest. We hired a local man as a part time ranch hand to help out and are now seeking a drafter/archetect to help with the house I have designed. We will also be seeking local advice on planting and growing fruit, raising goats, build a road and a variety of other subjects.

Feel free to jump right in, share what you know and come by N. Glenwood Rd, 1/2 mile up from the highway 11 on the right hand side.

I look forward to meeting and/or hearing from everyone. The more ideas, the better.
Mahalo, Pam

May you live in interesting times.
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

Messages In This Thread
buying/developing land - by pslamont - 11-04-2004, 02:27 PM
RE: buying/developing land - by NancyF - 11-04-2004, 05:05 PM
RE: buying/developing land - by NancyF - 11-04-2004, 05:07 PM

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