12-29-2014, 11:25 AM
Nancy, we did the ship over from the mainland and then sell when done thing. This was about 2 years ago. We came over for 2 months. It took 2 1/2 weeks to ship our truck. I sold it in HI for way more than I would have gotten here for it. Essentially, it was like having a free truck to drive while there. Car rental rates at that time were about 800-1000 for a compact per month. I am coming over again for approx 2-3 months in March and considering doing the same thing. I've been looking closely on craigslist for an inexpensive pickup and it's slim pickens. Also I don't want to deal with too many unkowns while on the island.
Enjoy the day! Ann
Enjoy the day! Ann
Enjoy the day! Ann