12-31-2014, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by pahoated
It's not working anyway, or working the way the show wants, people just use it for fantasy.
Although I can't argue the facts stated in the newspaper article, I disagree that the show is not working. It depends on if your definition of "working" is myopic or not. I can tell you two ways that "Hawaii Life" is working. First, the real estate agent featured in the Puna episode which aired three days ago has received over 20 calls from interested buyers who saw the show. Who knows how many of those calls will buy a house in Hawaii, but 20 calls to one specific agent in three days is remarkable. Each caller referred to the show that just aired. So, from that point of view, the show works. Second, I own vacation rentals and live in Puna. I personally greet every guest that checks into one of my places. We often talk story for a few hours. Since Hawaii Life began airing two years ago, probably 75% of my guests talk about how that show influenced their desire to choose the Big Island for their vacation. The "fantasy" the show creates has brought countless dollars to the Big Island as my guests shop in Pahoa, go to Maku'u farmer's markets, use Foodland, zip lines, botanical gardens, rent boards, and eat out almost every night. My places are currently sold out until June, and usually sold out 4 to 5 months in advance. So, once again, Hawaii Life is working from that point of view. Overall, I would say the show is doing much more good than harm.