01-11-2015, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by hawaiideborah
Shocked Wave,You also speculated on this page:
"Will the new GM actually be new, or will it be someone from the current inner circle moving into a paid position?"
4 pages back, not 5. Hppdog stated it as a fact...however Katrina says Hppdog speaks only facts
Im just trying to set the rumor mill straight. The volunteer GM never wanted the job, did not apply.
Thats all folks.
You chose to read a lot into my post that was not written there, inner circle means a circle of people who are deciding behind closed doors what they want to happen. I consciously did not name a specific person.
I have only posted on this thread a handful of times, out of pages and pages of threads, so I don't know why you have your nose so out of joint because of my distrust that this board will do the right thing. I would prefer not to have that distrust, but it has been earned by their actions. I think for a lot of us a simple acknowledgement that mistakes were made, along with a promise to be more forthcoming and transparent in the future, and showing a commitment to actually follow the by laws, would go a long way to restore our confidence in this board.
You, on the other hand, act like you are either related to, married to, or best friends with, the people who created all the division and distrust by how they have handled their tenure on the HPPOA board. With your reflexive knee jerk mean spirited attacks and snide twisting of screen names your behavior is lot like that of a 6th grade mean girl whose clique is being threatened, and it really doesn't make the board you are defending so vigorously look any better.