01-19-2015, 08:02 AM
I've been on the computer Orchidlandguy and still can't access the minutes.
We do have a new Secretary as of November's board mtg. Don't know if that's the reason for delays. The Pres often said the issue was the previous Secretary's fault. At least 3 people are involved before the draft is ready. Recording secretary, board secretary and Pres. I know the previous Pres oversaw the minutes too and there were delays but there wasn't delays this often. Last tenure has a draft still up so...
The board said at a morning board mtg that someone in HPP has been working on the day to day stuff for our website and that someone on the mainland was revamping our website. This would be a good question to ask the board this Wed night to clarify what's going on.
Also, why is it that all 3 HRC members resigned at the same time? What's going on there? Another good question to ask the board at Wed's board mtg. They had 2 board members and 1 lot owner again...they were informed this wasn't following our bylaws awhile back when it happened the 1st time and again the 2nd time. They should be soliciting new members for HRC at this Wed's board mtg. And do any of these discrepancies affect the hiring process? Has anyone been hired since the board advertised in the Tribune? Hopefully the board will also discuss what the status is on the hirings.
We do have a new Secretary as of November's board mtg. Don't know if that's the reason for delays. The Pres often said the issue was the previous Secretary's fault. At least 3 people are involved before the draft is ready. Recording secretary, board secretary and Pres. I know the previous Pres oversaw the minutes too and there were delays but there wasn't delays this often. Last tenure has a draft still up so...
The board said at a morning board mtg that someone in HPP has been working on the day to day stuff for our website and that someone on the mainland was revamping our website. This would be a good question to ask the board this Wed night to clarify what's going on.
Also, why is it that all 3 HRC members resigned at the same time? What's going on there? Another good question to ask the board at Wed's board mtg. They had 2 board members and 1 lot owner again...they were informed this wasn't following our bylaws awhile back when it happened the 1st time and again the 2nd time. They should be soliciting new members for HRC at this Wed's board mtg. And do any of these discrepancies affect the hiring process? Has anyone been hired since the board advertised in the Tribune? Hopefully the board will also discuss what the status is on the hirings.