01-19-2015, 02:19 PM
Everyone wrap your minds around this.
The Iceland Deep Drilling Project, while drilling several 5000m holes in an attempt to harness the heat in the volcanic bedrock below the surface of Iceland, struck a pocket of magma at 2,100m. Being only the third time in recorded history that magma had been reached, IDDP decided to invest in the hole, naming it IDDP-1. This you can see is 2009
So if they were the third who were the other two that would be the next logical question right? No better yet who was the first right?
ยง13-183-54 General terms. (a) The operator under a lease
shall conduct all operations in a manner that conforms to the
most prudent practices and engineering principles in use in the
industry. Operations shall be conducted in a manner that
protects the natural resources including without limitation,
geothermal resources, and to obtain efficiently the maximum
ultimate recovery of geothermal resources, consistent with other
uses of the land with minimal impact on the environment.
Operations shall be conducted with due regard for the safety and
health of employees.
The operator shall promptly remove from the
leased lands or store, in an orderly manner, all scraps or other
materials not in use and shall notify the chairperson of all
accidents within twenty-four hours and submit a written report
within thirty days.
Was this done? That's a good question. And if so can we see it?