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Effort to Remove Orchidland Directors
Originally posted by justthefacts

the proxy vote is one of the most fought about issues in Hawaiian acres . it has allowed control of voting issues to only a couple people . not a good situation .

Proxy voting is an issue in almost all the subdivisions not just this one.

If people do not take the time to assign their vote to someone specific and let them know how they want to vote, but assigns it to the board in general, it is a lazy tactic. But out of state owners may not be aware of issues, and not realize that this may or may not be a good thing (depending on what the vote is needed for).

It also depends on how the bylaws are written and how proxies are to be used as specified in those bylaws.

Some use proxies only for quorum purposes. Some allow the proxy holder to vote for board positions with them. Some go further and allow the proxies to be used for voting on bylaw changes.


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RE: Effort to Remove Orchidland Directors - by Kapohocat - 02-01-2015, 10:26 AM

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