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Effort to Remove Orchidland Directors
The first step in making sense of this issue is facing the reality that OLCA is a dysfunctional organization and then figure out if it can be made functional or is it a hopeless cause. These subdivisions were established as a money grab with no intention of being viable back in the 60s and it is only because of the resilience of the people who live here that any resemblance of a community exists. The only reason these are defined as "private subdivisions" is because the county back in the day wanted to collect revenue from all these lots that were created but wanted a buffer so they could excuse themselves from responsibility if people actually figured out how to live on unimproved property with no water and inadequate roads. Orchidland Estates sounds like a good name for a fancy private subdivision full of well off people who can easily afford to pay some extra dough to have great roads and facilities but that is not the reality here. Besides getting the roads up to par it would be nice to have a discussion about parks for the keiki and a building or even a pavilion to have community events plus maybe some semblance of bus service. I have to admit I haven't participated much in OLCA affairs but from what I've seen there aren't a lot of lot owners ready to step in and be board members if all these people are ousted.

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RE: Effort to Remove Orchidland Directors - by Shonuff - 02-02-2015, 07:51 AM

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