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Effort to Remove Orchidland Directors
So the way it works in Orchidland is to either fix the problems yourself, maybe get a coalition of neighbors to pitch in, or get frustrated enough to join the board, get some attention for your own complaint, then get out of the way for someone else. They maintain this status quo then wonder why nobody wants to pay the road fee or raise them. The last newsletter I received was at least a humorous diversion, first the OLCA pats themselves on the back for finally fixing the washout on the paved part of 35th, then in a later article admit what a crappy job was done on that project. At least they won't have to install speed humps to slow down drivers, the poor workmanship does that for them, but at some point there will be a lawsuit because someone's car or truck will get ruined by driving too fast over it since there are no warning signs. Maybe there should be a sign at the beginning of every road that enters Orchidland informing people that they are driving on these roads at their own risk. The OLCA should have tried to get a state grant to pave 40th and the end of Pohaku Dr to help divert some traffic from 130 during construction but that window is closing. In the meantime at least our taxes are low because no one will pay good money to live here. The think about it guy on the local news just made Puna the butt of his joke.

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RE: Effort to Remove Orchidland Directors - by Shonuff - 02-02-2015, 06:10 PM

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