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Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV?
Originally posted by ironyak

Geothermal Night Time Drilling County Council Feb 4 2015 (1h35m)

RES 58-15: Requests Puna Geothermal Venture, located in Pohoiki, to comply with the 2012 ordinance
Withdrawn by Ilagan (15m20s)

Ilagan: "I just want to keep moving forward and from my understanding from what Mike [PGV] just told me, I feel like even if we pass this reso he already gave me an answer. So to move things forward I am going to withdraw this and if we can read resolution 59-15 and then we address executive session."

RES 59-15: Asking Corporation Counsel to step in to re-examine the issue
Motion Fails (4-5)

Appears new legislation, possibly developed through mediation with all parties, is being considered based in part on recommendations made in executive session from Corporation Counsel.

Planning Department has had meetings with PGV and Corporation Counsel to ensure Best Available Control Technologies are being deployed for noise and light mitigation. PGV's voluntary change from starting drilling on Jan 29th to Feb 5th was to provide more time to make sure concerns were addressed to Planning Directors' satisfaction.

To quote/paraphrase:

Wille: None of us are saying lets pull back and not do anything. Everyone of us are something has to be done.

Eoff: This particular resolution [59-15] may not be able to accomplish what the community needs anyways and the manner it's being asked by Corporation Counsel may not be right process.

Poindexter: It is just a recommendation for someone to do something. I'm not going to vote on this just for someone to feel good.

David: Executive session clarified legal issues, but came out with wanting to do something for community.

Chair Kanuha: I think the best way is to find a best resolution that we all could agree on and the community could agree on. I will not be able to support it as it is.

Chung: I believe the vested rights don't apply here, there is nothing in the either the geothermal resouce permit, the drilling permit, the noise permit that talks about 24h drilling. I am going to back up Mr Ilagan on this 100%. We have to try and at least uphold the validity of out laws.

Onishi: I was there, through executive session, and if two council members had listened to Mr Akeda, if you look at minutes of the transcripts Mrs Ford and Mr Yagong says PGV is vested, they don't have to follow it. We should have at that time have the amendment to say in black and white they are exempt. We had the understanding. It was clearly stated and all council members agreed.

Paleka: The hard thing for me is I support geothermal. But the law is the law. It is clear.

EDIT: quotes

Mahalo, ironyak. Politics at it's best. Seriously, my understanding is this is a safety issue (foremost), and secondly, a noise issue. PGV should be held accountable for the promises made, whatever those promises are.

Of note, Yagong was running for Mayor at the time (2012), and during Harry Kim's original testimony at the state level, so was he (at the twelfth hour). Harry Kim beat Yagong in the primary. (Sorry, OT, but relevant due to my comment about politics).

However, maybe a temporary "relocation program" can include alternate accomodations for nearby residents (who faint for days, can't breathe, can't sleep, etc.) for the duration of the drilling. Think Hilo Hawaiian or Naniloa will give PGV a "group rate"?

Just asking. [Smile]


ETA: Happen to agree with pbmaise on the statement above re: safety.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 01-28-2015, 05:28 AM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 01-28-2015, 07:48 AM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 01-28-2015, 08:41 AM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 01-29-2015, 05:20 PM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 01-31-2015, 05:43 AM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 02-03-2015, 06:40 AM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by opihikao - 02-05-2015, 02:38 PM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 02-05-2015, 03:20 PM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 02-05-2015, 04:35 PM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by dmbwest - 02-05-2015, 05:11 PM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 02-05-2015, 05:39 PM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by Guest - 02-05-2015, 07:44 PM
RE: Does nighttime drilling ban apply to PGV? - by dmbwest - 02-05-2015, 08:20 PM

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