02-11-2015, 09:56 AM
This is an even more local video. It's about the discovery by University of Hawaii of the position of the Milky Way in a cluster of galaxies that are bigger clusters of galaxies that becomes a supercluster, forming an astronomical (pun intended) structure in space. Kind of ironic that the name chosen for this is Laniakeia, meaning "immeasurable heavens" in Hawaiian. Another example of ancient Hawaiian astronomy and religion able to describe the astounding discoveries of the 21st century. The Great Attractor is a mind blower.
"Mahalo nui Pele, 'ae noho ia moku 'aina" - kakahiaka oli
"Mahalo nui Pele, 'ae noho ia moku 'aina" - kakahiaka oli
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*