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Highway 130 shoulder inbound to Pahoa lane is open
"The second phase of this project, to add a traffic signal light at the Shower Drive intersection, will go out to bid around the middle of this year. Construction should get under way in early 2016 and take between a year and 18 months." (scroll down page)

Only in Hawaii! Anywhere else, a traffic signal can be planned, built, and fully functional in 90-120 days. Here we have to have multiple layers of redundant planning and union construction workers who only work Monday-Friday 10-3:30 and never too hard. I was at a meeting in HPP where some totally unprepared State DOT officials showed up not knowing about some land ownership issues at that intersection. In a rare moment of competence, the HPP board had actually repeatedly tried to inform them of this issue, but the DOT never got the message passed on through the bureaucracy to the right people.

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RE: Highway 130 shoulder inbound to Pahoa lane is open - by Chunkster - 02-21-2015, 06:02 AM

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