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What kind of vehicle is best for Puna?
Not knowing your situation, and these recommendations would vary based on where you are living here... (some streets do need 4WD at least at times, and if you are living on one of them...well that changes everything!)
In a perfect scenario - the best is to have 2 with great MPG & one to explore..(or at least rent, or have a friend with a great 4WD that you can borrow)
One of the things many forget...garbage hauling here is something most of us do....and you either have to hire a waste hauler or haul your a pickup, or at least a hitch & outside mounted tray on a SUV/car comes in real handy for waste runs... and on some water runs

Used Toyotas here are very pricey, and, after decades of Toyota ownership, we do not own one, and actually have Ford products the last few years...

It may be good to look at getting a couple of "liability only" vehicles if you are not going to ship (again...I would look to MPG for one...)
and be very aware, as we have just realized, some of the used vehicles for sale right now may have been "storm blasted" by Iselle....and may have some issues due to wind blown salt & debris

ADD: By "liabilty only" I mean very inexpensive older vehicles...but if you must have total reliability...well...not so much... this may work for you, or not...

also there are some very good lease rates lowest I've seen here this year is $98/mo 36mo lease (but be aware that 12K miles a year can zoom by in a blink of an eye here, esp during your first "exploration year"

ALSO- a family can get by with one car...but cabin fever can rule if one driver must take the car most of the time & you are living somewhere that is not near anything...esp if you are living in a neighborhood with wild pigs, dog packs or wacky neighbors....

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RE: What kind of vehicle is best for Puna? - by Carey - 02-27-2015, 05:09 AM

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