04-03-2015, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by birchl
its the 'how it was done' bit as far as my research goes at the moment, there appears to have been a lot of misdirection involved and very little input or information given to or sought from the actual community. how were 6-8 lots represented? and were any of those actually affected by the agreement? was it actually even their property they were backing on to what is now a major thoroughfare? which is all by the by, and in the past, except that it sets a precedent for the future? what about the development plans? when they decide to turn road one into a highway, and f road? will those owners have any say? how much right does the county have to 'eminent domain'? what are our rights? how do we find those things out? the association exists to further the best interest of the acres. i would have thought that would require input of some kind from the people involved in changes. from all i can gather that did not happen. if it did not happen then, how do we insure that the same will not occur tomorrow? as i understand it, 8 road had serious issues, but did the turning of it into a bypass resolve or worsen them? did the splitting of the estate into two help us or harm us? are our children safer or in more danger? i think that the current limited sight, excessive traffic, and constant spending is going to result in someones death. probably a cyclist. just my two cents. ps. i live on f so i have a vested interest in the proceedings.
While these won't answer all your questions, it might answer some. Under the heading Road 8 http://www.hawaiianacresroads.org/ongoing-legal/. Should be documents saying who signed the easement over, etc.