04-07-2015, 04:21 AM
The way Maunakea looked fifty years ago is much the way she looked 1,000 years ago. Her water, air, and aina has been under siege from mankind( all races and colors) for the past fifty years. Many of Her own people have given up on her or her past, by selling and exploiting her completely. Now new and old protectors have had enough of the ruthless use and expanding, they also have beliefs to go with voices that need to be heard.
P.S. JMO here, The selling of tools near or at the top of MaunaKea by the Hawaiians would have been much less damaging to her resources, if ever aloud in the first place. Thirty meter telescopes and its daily waste for her resources is not what MaunaKea wanted when she first appeared from the middle of the pacific. She helped separate the sunrise from the sunsets and gave life to so much more than just MANkind. We hope she gets to rest in peace and allowed to heal from our mistakes.
Personally I love to see the keiki out protesting for they are the future. Because of mans laws and rules We have limited are ways to be heard, felt, or seen when needing change. Both parents in most families work these days so if they MUST take time off to stand strong for things they believe in, Then Why pay a baby sitter and not educate your own keiki of your beliefs?. The keiki from yesterday, today, and most importantly tomorrow is just one of the many reasons most good people are standing in the cold on MaunaKea today.
P.S. JMO here, The selling of tools near or at the top of MaunaKea by the Hawaiians would have been much less damaging to her resources, if ever aloud in the first place. Thirty meter telescopes and its daily waste for her resources is not what MaunaKea wanted when she first appeared from the middle of the pacific. She helped separate the sunrise from the sunsets and gave life to so much more than just MANkind. We hope she gets to rest in peace and allowed to heal from our mistakes.
Personally I love to see the keiki out protesting for they are the future. Because of mans laws and rules We have limited are ways to be heard, felt, or seen when needing change. Both parents in most families work these days so if they MUST take time off to stand strong for things they believe in, Then Why pay a baby sitter and not educate your own keiki of your beliefs?. The keiki from yesterday, today, and most importantly tomorrow is just one of the many reasons most good people are standing in the cold on MaunaKea today.