04-11-2015, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Lee M-S
Here's my thinking; the community center is about 7 miles from my house. I don't use the community center, so it doesn't seem like much of a benefit to me.
It seems like that's all the dues are used for. Why should I support this just so people I don't know can enjoy it? I've got better things to do with my money than fund somebody else's wifi.
Originally posted by randomq
$30/yr for voting rights, a playground / bus stop for neighborhood kids, a nice place to meet neighbors, a place to attend many free events, and free power and wifi? Seems like a bargain to me, even if HACA did nothing else but maintain the place and pay the bills. Even absentee owners can feel good knowing they are helping to create community, and giving something to the neighborhood.
Even so, perhaps work-trade is possible? 3-4 hours a year?
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this is a free country ,, you have the freedom of choice ,, be my guest ,, and do not pay dues and be part of the system ,,, your choice ,,, the associations and the good folks here wont be bankrupted or corrupted by your decision to not be a part !