04-13-2015, 11:35 PM
And why don't YOU tell ME five reasons to pay dues that have nothing to do with the CC? That's what I'm looking for.
Originally posted by wolverine2
lee ,, can you think of five or more benefits of paying dues ?
down play the neg , and polish up the pos.
1.vol. fire dept.
2.matching funds.
3.nieghborhood watch.
4.schoolbus stops.
5.signage ( entrance stones and stop signs ).
6.grafitti removal.
7.good neighborhoods and good neighbors ( one minor exception ).
8. free trash bags , for collecting the trash that the homeless and hungry from Hilo , throw around on our roads.
9.paved access road , no.1 and no. 8
10.pizza place right here in the acres.
11.upkeep and maintenance for 75 miles of roads.
12.a great place ,( for the haters to hate and the trolls to tear down )lord knows we cant allow our trolls to go to hilo to hate ,,
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