04-17-2015, 06:52 AM
Tomk, actually i see you fly off the handle with that drug taking accusation thing about others fairly frequently when your feathers get ruffled for whatever reason.
ironyak, hah? go and experience. though if caught up by the exotic and esoteric appeal it may not be so easy to access and understand behind the front day to day mundane reality without being more than an inquisitive guest. then again, i imagine for others a more sober reality may very well become readily apparent after little time at all.
ironyak, hah? go and experience. though if caught up by the exotic and esoteric appeal it may not be so easy to access and understand behind the front day to day mundane reality without being more than an inquisitive guest. then again, i imagine for others a more sober reality may very well become readily apparent after little time at all.