04-26-2015, 02:56 PM
What on earth are you talking about ?! Noooo "it apparently does" NOT mean they will continue to let you slide for years. As seen by your recent visit. Property taxes, as of this year have been reassessed. Has it ever ocured to you that possibly this has something to do with your visit ? I know my neighbor and I both had a visit from an assessor. If assessors are randomly showing up at property's that are claimed vacant but are not, you think they would not contact the building dept.? I don't think they like tax cheets anymore than they do a blantant disregard for building codes. I also seriously doubt this has anything what so ever to do with H.A. association or you being on the board. Personally I think you feel that the rules shouldn't or don't apply to you for some reason. Here's more than likely what happened: your property was randomly visited by an assessor who noticed that although the property was assessed as vacant land, it wasn't. Oh looks like someone lives on it. Not good. Contact building dept. No final permits. Do you honestly think they would visit not knowing what you do and don't have ? Rediclious ! That's why they showed up I'll bet They were well aware you had no finals. Are they sopose to take your word for your structor being to code ? Fat chance. Its not a conspiracy, its not a vendetta. You failed to comply with county regulation and got caught. If I were you the next thing I would be worried about is being accused of tax evasion.You need to stop blaming everyone and everything. clean up you mess. You caused it, and...bull if you say one more time "its not about the permitts". Oh yes it is. P.S. I will bet lalani duds problem is the same as mine. Way to much b.s.