07-04-2005, 06:05 PM
yES, you can also obtain these coupons at the Humane Society. The problem is, $50.00 for a female dog, to many people, is too much money. It is money most just do not have. It comes out of food, gas, etc budget. A family with kids, or on a tight budget its really tough to find the money. For me, I am neutering a male stray cat and paid for the $25.00 coupon. It has taken me 3 months to save. He is a good "ratter", so its good to have him about stopping the rat off-springs from getting out of control. Also, some vets add on "additions" like flea treatment, etc. So you have to make sure what the charges will be, as some vets are cheaper than others. In the end, its the animal that suffers if it does not get spay or neutered. To some, $25.00 or $50.00 dollars is affordable, to others far from it. Because of the epidemic of the animal overpopulation, and the terrible abuse that goes with it as these animals are being dumped along road sides. We need this spay/neuter service free or no more than a $10.00 charge. Also, having a spay/neuter van going into the various subdivisons to do this would be most wonderful. If other states can do this, than why not us?
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect