07-16-2005, 06:02 PM
I worked as a veterinary tech for 18yrs so I am very partial to helping the animal problem. There are two issues that never seem to get the money they deserve. Kids and animals. There are so many things that could be worthwhile. I would certainly want to verify any animal shelter's history before giving them money. Who are they financially accountable to? Are their financial records available to the public? Are there policies in place that don't allow adoption of dogs to people who are going to use them for hunting. Sadly, sometimes it is more cruel to keep an animal alive if they are going to give it to homes who are going to neglect and not care about it. We use guidelines for adoptions that must be met and although some people dont like them it helps ensure that an animal is going to be cared for properly. The other thing that I would approve of is creating a playroom in the children's unit (Malama Wing) at the hospital. I bet the kids would love that with some new games and colorful characters on the wall, maybe video games or something to make their stay a little more pleasant. Just a thought there are so many great ideas out there. Frank, when I get back I would love to help you work on the animal problem.