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Your thoughts on vehicle inspections?
The tablet prints the sticker on site. They don't have to go and get stickers anymore.
I was told the State has undercover agents who visit inspection stations with faulty cars,and if they are passed the garage is cited.
On reservations, imagine having to stop what you are working on and wash up because someone drives up for an inspection. So you just spent half an hour to make $15. Now you have to get back to where you left off, you crawl under the car and someone drives up for an inspection. This happens off and on all day and then the owner of the car you are working on calls "why isn't it fixed yet?"
I know two guys who just quit doing inspections "not worth the humbug"
During the 1970's inspection stations went on strike because the State started also requiring the wheels be removed and the brakes checked , the fee was $5. The garage kept $4. The State backed down because no one could get their car inspected .
The chains are using inspections to sell more services, but the small shops are probably loosing money on them.

Messages In This Thread
Your thoughts on vehicle inspections? - by Susan - 05-04-2015, 04:59 PM
RE: Your thoughts on vehicle inspections? - by PauHana - 05-04-2015, 06:17 PM

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