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Who was present 1993-1999 at Volcano Inn and Ranch
Originally posted by pbmaise

Those names are all post 1999 and not of interest.

The disputes over this property are public knowledge. It has been bounced around many Courts with many players. Right now it is going for a

Fourth Revised Final Judgment

Read that slowly. The same Court has issued 4 Final Judgments already on a limited trial. However, it is still in the same Court now looking for a Fifth Final Judgment.

The mockery the Court has made of itself is there is no such thing as a "Final Judgment". Rather, a final judgment is not final if not accepted by one party, and that party has the money to keep fighting. All they must do is claim the Court made a mistake.

The fight can go on decades. Even if the original parties die.

A case continue to live on.

Immortal in Hawaii? Just file or defend a lawsuit.

Mr.pbmaise, the name is RJ Hampton.

Looks to me like Sir Leonard George Horowitz and his girlfriend Sherri Kane lost. Is the next step eviction? Do they continue to fight from outside the gates of the Royal Bloodline of David a.k.a the Steam Vent Inn? Where will they go now? Maybe if they get desperate enough they could move in with Sherri's mother Mikki Kane and they could get jobs at the Showboat Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. They certainly are entertaining enough. Maybe they can sing and dance in 528 till it hertz. [Big Grin]

This is what Sherri was crying about on facebook yesterday. Poor ting was so upset she couldn't even type right or proof read.

"They judge granted the drug dealer Paul Sulla Jr via his drug dealing shill, our property title today. We received this by mail. This was based on no merits and the judge did not even look at our evidence including the receipts to show the property was paid for. This is the same judge that is was on the case when foreclosure was denied and now he is giving our property away???/ This means that these terrorists will continue to terrorize us and are still being able to roam free and get away with the real estate theft! Please continue to keep us in your prayers and pray that we are able to get justice and our property title back. This is outrageous injustice!"

Pray for these people for they know not what they do...

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RE: Who was present 1993-1999 at Volcano Inn and Ranch - by RJHampton - 05-12-2015, 07:22 AM

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