05-19-2015, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by kalakoa
selfish, irresponsible cruel party here is the cat hoarder who left their collection
Maybe they were really nice people, and it was selfish/irresponsible of someone else to force the cat people to leave the island.
We could also blame the selfish/irresponsible who refused to spay/neuter their cats -- the cats aren't native, someone brought them here.
The forebears of those cats could have come anytime since Cook, so you are reaching pretty far back to lay blame on that one. Why do you assume Punalover's tenants were forced to move off the island? You seem to be making a pretty huge leap there.
Cat hoarders lived on our street, when they moved they left all the cats, so did the crazy cat lady who used to live behind us. The terriers in the neighborhood don't seem to distinguish between feral cats and rats, so they are all gone now, but until the last few got killed it was a stinky problem for the whole neighborhood: cat poop to step into when you get out of your car or try to garden, males spraying all over carports, lania's cars, and anything else lower than 4 feet high. Constant howling, especially when the females went into heat, and a huge reduction in bird song.
The birds are back, now that the cats are gone.