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Poll: community organizations in Puna
kalakoa, I agree this would need to be heard in Federal arena because it involves the Constitution, since everything is based on that document; and the only court for that arena is Federal.
Think,"a powerful ingredient which aids growth".
That is exactly what I am thinking and am trying to find the right medicine. And I agree that pronunciation is important. I do try my best to articulate things that way, but sometimes writing in a forum on a computer, your words can easily be misunderstood. Let us not dwell on pronunciation and concentrate on the meat of the matter. If we get distracted by diction, then we loose focus on what really matters.

birchl, I Love that idea and was actually thinking about forming an organization that includes all the subdivisions of Puna into one voice to approach the County, but also have it as monitoring station for members of these subdivisions to seek remedy for conflicts between their Board and members. We could help resolve disputes and perhaps contribute to preventing lawsuits from being filed. What do you think we should call this organization and what powers do you think it should have to help resolve subdivision disputes ? Also what penalties could we enforce for non-compliance ?

I like the name Puna Association of Community Organizations, and we could be called PACO.
Also, I was thinking of penalties for Boards not compelling with our findings by having the ability to remove any or all Board members if a hearing we conduct finds wrongdoing. And we will define wrong doing along the lines the IRS would consider an officer to be ineligible for Office of a non-profit. So, things like: theft, extortion, embezzlement, bribery, tax evasion etc…. would make someone ineligible to be an officer on any Board of any community organization in Puna. And have any community organizations that wants to be a part of this will add a special section in their By-laws about our organization and what parameters there are with us. And that should be approved by the members and the Board of each organization through an independent poll or vote to show us what their community really wants. And we will set parameters for what is acceptable procedure for that.

So, please tell me your thoughts so we can make this happen [Big Grin]

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RE: Poll: community organizations in Puna - by Thunderfoot - 06-01-2015, 02:39 AM

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