06-03-2015, 04:34 AM
Well, the organization could do whatever the people want, could have many types of services. And yes it could be political, or share information, but was also thinking it could be a regulatory Board for community organizations to avoid Court with disputes between members and Boards. We could also host an annual event/get together, to help share information. It could approach the County about changing the width requirement for County roads for example, or whatever other needs our communities have, like good health care. Bay Clinic is a joke, sorry but true. I would rather go to the veterinarian,LOL …………………... That is why I was asking what kind of organization should it be, and what kinds of things would you like to see it do ? And who would want to particiapte. There are so many ideas. And I am not discouraged by people who think it will never work, because sometimes miracles do happen. It starts with hope and grows from there.
And yes, sometimes people need to be forced to do the right thing unfortunately. In the case of my subdivision, they know they are wrong, but keep doing it, so yeah in order to prevent this in the future we need some sort of checks and balances. Like writing into the By-laws that Board members should never receive a salary for their position on the Board helps to prevents corruption. That is why it is required for non-profits as a rule that must be written into the By-laws. Further, many of these Boards forget who elects them in. They get elected, then become drunk with power and think they can not be removed. That is part of the problem. Recently I got a letter from the AG's office that membership corporations powers lie in the members, and they have the right to elect the Board, remove the Board, call special meetings and amend the By-Laws. So, these Boards must remember that, and also have people that stay over after election to teach the new Board how to operate it properly. For example, did you know that all non-profits' Officers must sign an Annual Conflict of Interest Form ? It is these things that are critical to pass down to help have a smooth operation of the organization, and help prevent fighting between members and the Board. The Board is supposed to represent the members, not dictate to the members. So, yes, people can know right from wrong and still opt for wrong; happens all the time
And yes, sometimes people need to be forced to do the right thing unfortunately. In the case of my subdivision, they know they are wrong, but keep doing it, so yeah in order to prevent this in the future we need some sort of checks and balances. Like writing into the By-laws that Board members should never receive a salary for their position on the Board helps to prevents corruption. That is why it is required for non-profits as a rule that must be written into the By-laws. Further, many of these Boards forget who elects them in. They get elected, then become drunk with power and think they can not be removed. That is part of the problem. Recently I got a letter from the AG's office that membership corporations powers lie in the members, and they have the right to elect the Board, remove the Board, call special meetings and amend the By-Laws. So, these Boards must remember that, and also have people that stay over after election to teach the new Board how to operate it properly. For example, did you know that all non-profits' Officers must sign an Annual Conflict of Interest Form ? It is these things that are critical to pass down to help have a smooth operation of the organization, and help prevent fighting between members and the Board. The Board is supposed to represent the members, not dictate to the members. So, yes, people can know right from wrong and still opt for wrong; happens all the time