06-10-2008, 12:59 PM
1. Property taxes this year went through the roof. Our 700 sf house in Ocean View went from $44,800 in 2006 to $57,900 in 2007 to $96,800 in 2008. All this increase even though our home was purchased for $204,000 in 2006 and we would be DAMN lucky to get $170,000 right now.
2. Our home owners insurance on our little 700 sf house went up over $400.00 this year to a whopping $1427.00. We are forced to have $15,000 worth of insurance for "other structures". There is no other structure however they will not remove that insurance
3. Helco increases its rates every month it seems, Tiny home with solar outdoor lights, solar hot water heater, propane stove, no clothes dryer and 2 crazed energy misers, $90 to $130 a month. We all know Helco will not be lowering their rates this fall when fuel prices go down.
Everyone talks about gas prices and food prices but you can manage those by driving less and growing more food / eating cheaper. You can't manage insurance, property taxes and the evil Helco.
I wonder who will work at the farms, stores, car lots, hotels, restaurants etc when only the truly rich can afford to live here. How much will our taxes go up when the tourists disappear due to high fuel costs and restrictive airline policies and tourism stops paying the bulk of our taxes? And most importantly, who will buy our home when we have to move and no one can afford to live here anymore.
This is getting spooky.