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Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access
fwiw the so called 'Hawaiians' you see today are not descendants of the first people to settle these islands ca400AD, they are descendants of the '2nd Wave' of people (from Tahiti) that came 800 years later. The first people that came were peaceful people from the Marquesas islands.... to the '2nd Wave' they (Marquesas Hawaiians) all became slaves, and sacrifice victims... they were known to the '2nd Wave' (Tahiti Hawaiians) as 'Menehune'...
NO, Menehune are NOT little cute brownies or elves you see on water bottles etc. that you go feed 1 shrimp ea to and they go happily make a fishpond/rockwall in one night BS, ...the Menehune were real people heavily exploited and killed off by the ancestors of the Hawaiians you see here today.... Menehune to the 2nd Wave were 'small in worth' NOT 'small in stature'.. the reason we see elf-like Menehune cartoon BS today was because the first haoles mistranslated this... but if the haole didnt write any of this down, No one would know anything factual (not heavily exaggerated folklore) about preKapu Hawaii

'Marquesas (Menehune) Hawaiians' 400AD
'Tahiti (current) Hawaiians' 1200AD
'Haole Hawaiians' 1778

Now... who has ENTITLEMENT to these Islands???? we know who ALWAYS thinks they ALL do... da 'Protectors' lol

aloha (haole born and raised and not moving to Vegas like 20,000 of da kooks)

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

Messages In This Thread
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 07-12-2015, 07:43 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 07-12-2015, 09:16 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-15-2015, 06:17 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by bananahead - 07-15-2015, 10:54 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-20-2015, 10:53 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-22-2015, 09:12 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 07-23-2015, 12:10 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-23-2015, 04:14 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-24-2015, 10:22 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-24-2015, 10:12 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-25-2015, 03:52 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-25-2015, 04:18 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-25-2015, 07:27 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-25-2015, 09:27 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-25-2015, 10:37 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 07-26-2015, 02:07 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-26-2015, 07:13 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 07-26-2015, 08:07 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-26-2015, 09:21 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-27-2015, 05:18 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-28-2015, 04:03 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-28-2015, 05:52 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-28-2015, 09:34 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-28-2015, 11:37 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 07-28-2015, 03:59 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 07-29-2015, 11:57 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-29-2015, 05:16 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 07-29-2015, 07:19 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 07-31-2015, 04:44 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 08-03-2015, 06:10 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 08-06-2015, 02:52 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 08-07-2015, 07:30 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by dmbwest - 08-07-2015, 08:46 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 08-08-2015, 03:49 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 08-09-2015, 06:24 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 08-09-2015, 09:14 AM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 08-10-2015, 08:14 PM
RE: Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access - by Guest - 08-14-2015, 09:54 AM

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