08-01-2015, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by dakine
By way of trying to say that Hawaiians voted for statehood PaulW stated that 75% of the population of Hawaii was born in Hawaii, in 1959. But he does not clarify what the ethnic makeup of those people were, thus using half truths to bolster his position rather than recognizing the underlying point that it was not Hawaiians, not people with ties to pre-1893, and in essence a sham, as Kaimana and others have so patiently tried to point out.
What I don't understand is how does this relate to the essence of this thread? To the fact that the history that is so vehemently argued by people like PaulW, without any foundation in truth but argued none-the-less, is complete BS. If anyone actually listened to the talk this thread is about you would find that some historians believe the 'truth' you all are so stuck on is a sham! And maybe, just maybe, be willing to engage in a discussion of how that may or may not be true. But instead you engage in the same old BS you all have drummed in over and over. And in essence show yourselves as being far less educated, far less knowledgeable, and way more bigoted than you'll ever admit to. Tis a shame really.
I agree with you except that ethnicity doesn't matter in this case, only nationality. Only people who were Hawaiian Nationals matter in this, it just so happens that if you were Kanaka you were also a citizen of Hawaii, but there were other ethnicity's that were citizens also.
And I only say this because others will twist it to be a racial/ethnic issue, which it isn't.