08-07-2015, 05:58 AM
quote:Well there is much more convincing evidence that eating charred or fried potato products causes cancer. Perhaps she should spend her time trying to pass a bill banning potato chips and french fries on County property, including parks where children are likely to be fed these carcinogens by their parents! As ridiculous as that sounds, it would have a far more positive benefit on health. I'm in favor of a line item in the budget for tin foil so Ms. Willie can make a hat for herself and feel a little better. It must be awful for her to live in such profound fear all the time.
Originally posted by james weatherford
A thread about pesticides is now about working shifts.
The legislation is about people avoiding contact with pesticides that probably cause cancer; and doing so on public spaces the County has responsibility for. For example, when children play in a park or walk along a roadside going between home and school.