08-08-2015, 07:13 AM
Just got my bill with MRMA $100.00 and Paving assessment $100.00
What every BOD, and newly formed BOD's do here is print this up as if both of these are Mandatory. A deceptive practice. The first M in MRMA is for Mandatory.
Now what they don't tell you is that the Paving assessment is NOT mandatory or enforceable but voluntary.
I forget what year, I think around 1992, that court judgement was given to the BOD at the time to enforce collections of the MRMA's. The board tried to start foreclosure proceedings, and illegally I think, It was a big court mess and the Board lost lots of revenue defending their case in which the plaintiffs won I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
So we are REQUIRED to pay the MRMA's ONLY . And if you are paid up on your MRMA's then you are listed in good standing and allowed to vote.
I'm not totally against paying the Paving assessment if the BOD would be forthcoming and honest about what is actually Mandatory and enforceable and what's voluntary. But for me its a matter of integrity and being transparent when they sent out these bills to the Owners/Members of OLE.
And in my Opinion they're not.
If I am wrong on any of these points PLEASE someone correct me.
What every BOD, and newly formed BOD's do here is print this up as if both of these are Mandatory. A deceptive practice. The first M in MRMA is for Mandatory.
Now what they don't tell you is that the Paving assessment is NOT mandatory or enforceable but voluntary.
I forget what year, I think around 1992, that court judgement was given to the BOD at the time to enforce collections of the MRMA's. The board tried to start foreclosure proceedings, and illegally I think, It was a big court mess and the Board lost lots of revenue defending their case in which the plaintiffs won I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
So we are REQUIRED to pay the MRMA's ONLY . And if you are paid up on your MRMA's then you are listed in good standing and allowed to vote.
I'm not totally against paying the Paving assessment if the BOD would be forthcoming and honest about what is actually Mandatory and enforceable and what's voluntary. But for me its a matter of integrity and being transparent when they sent out these bills to the Owners/Members of OLE.
And in my Opinion they're not.
If I am wrong on any of these points PLEASE someone correct me.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.