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Single Wall vs Double Wall Construction
Thanks for the description of the single wall construction. I had pictures of the Kalani Cabins and was trying to figure what was going on, since it didn’t look like the pictures in the framing book. I guess this is a happy cross between Timber Framing and stick building.

It looks like the walls between the rooms are simply painted plywood placed between the 4x4s. In other places T&G panels were used and again painted over. I don't see why there would be any cleaning issues here. (They charge 200+/night for these rooms). There is no site of electrical or plumbing, probably hidden as LeilaniGuy described.

The cabins have a simple yet charming/rustic look. Definitely what David Thoreau would have build in the Hawaiian rainforest!!!

Ok, so I am romanticizing it a little bit ;-)


Edited by - adias on 12/09/2005 19:58:28

Messages In This Thread
RE: Single Wall vs Double Wall Construction - by adias - 12-09-2005, 03:47 PM
RE: Single Wall vs Double Wall Construction - by Guest - 07-28-2013, 06:57 AM

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