08-12-2015, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by lavalava
Originally posted by Opihikaobob
What's interesting to me at this point is that as I drove up Po'ohiki rd a few minutes ago their was the stench of hydrogen sulfide in the air very near the plant , um, just like last year at the approach of Iselle.
liar. this is the kind of fear mongering crap that should get you kicked off PW. like shouting fire in a crowded theater. i live on pohoiki and there has been zero smell today or for that matter for weeks. you are either an agitator who likes to create a stir or an untreated mental health case. at any rate you are a liar.
edited to clarify obobs quote.
I take this to mean that you live here now , otherwise you have a nose like Pinocchio ,and for the same reason.