08-14-2015, 11:43 AM
Puna Geothermal Venture - Airnoise Monitor
5-Minute Averaged Air and Noise Data - PGV Monitoring Site A, B, and C
Periodic maintenance and quality control checks are performed on the analyzer system that will result in elevated H2S values.
Therefore, an elevated H2S concentration may not be the result of a release.
H2S Latest
Site Time Value
A 8/14/2015 18:25 0.0 ppb
B 8/14/2015 18:20 0.0 ppb
C 8/14/2015 18:25 0.0 ppb
Site Time Value
A 8/14/2015 18:25 52.2 dBA
B 8/14/2015 18:20 51.0 dBA
Site Time Value
A 8/14/2015 18:25 1.0 MM
B 8/14/2015 18:20 0.2 MM
C 8/14/2015 18:25 1.2 MM
Puna Geothermal Venture - Airnoise Monitor
5-Minute Averaged Air and Noise Data - PGV Monitoring Site A, B, and C
Periodic maintenance and quality control checks are performed on the analyzer system that will result in elevated H2S values.
Therefore, an elevated H2S concentration may not be the result of a release.
H2S Latest
Site Time Value
A 8/14/2015 18:25 0.0 ppb
B 8/14/2015 18:20 0.0 ppb
C 8/14/2015 18:25 0.0 ppb
Site Time Value
A 8/14/2015 18:25 52.2 dBA
B 8/14/2015 18:20 51.0 dBA
Site Time Value
A 8/14/2015 18:25 1.0 MM
B 8/14/2015 18:20 0.2 MM
C 8/14/2015 18:25 1.2 MM