08-23-2015, 05:17 AM
Article VII - Membership Meetings, Sec 1. "In support of Article IV, Objects and Purposes, the directors shall actively seek and consider member suggestions for agenda content.
Sec 3 Acts of the Association. The acts of a majority of the membership present at any membership meeting at which a quorum, as per Article V, Sec 12, is present shall be the acts of the Association except as otherwise provided herein.
Sec 6 Order of Business. The order of business at membership meetings shall be in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised...."
Who carries out "the acts of the association"? The board. A motion was passed at the Feb 2015 membership mtg to hire an engineer to scrutinize the results of the last phase of paving job before the contractors' expiration date and retainers were released. This was inclusive of the grubbing and clearing job. No action was taken and one of the contractors is currently seeking his retention money and late fees. The other was paid off back in March 2015 I believe. Votes don't necessarily mean the board will carry them out. Why not is the question?
Order of business is to be conducted using RR's. The motion left on the floor at the June 2015 membership meeting needs to be agendized for the October 2015 membership meeting. The motion was that the board provide a chip seal presentation to the membership at a membership mtg to include membership vote. 4 members left to kill the quorum thinking the motion would die before the final vote was taken. Instead the motion should be continued at our next mtg. The board should not carry out any business w/chip seal until the membership hears what this will entail to do the job and the finances of it, to include estimated labor costs using our own crew, finalized by a membership vote.
The member who spoke out against chip seal w/samples in hand at the August 2015 board mtg was very passionate that HPP not waste our monies on it. He named other subdivisions that are having trouble w/it. He spoke about the "1" contractor the 4 board members were considering. The GM was absent that night. But some of this board seems adamant to move forward and regard concerned members as "scrappy residents" inciting other members to go after them. Certainly not behavior any board member should be exhibiting as it's in conflict w/our bylaws to encourage harmony in our community.
I wonder how the chip seal will hold up once the buffalo grass and weeds start coming up through it from neglected easements since it's more porous than asphalt? We have this situation w/this stuff growing over asphalt right now. These are questions we need answers to.
Members should participate in the content of our membership meeting agendas. Owner input shouldn't be at the end of our meetings. After 2 hrs, many members exit and many times there is no quorum to vote on important business. This is a very important part of the membership mtg. We also need to follow up on ensuring the business is carried out once voted on. More members need to participate in speaking up at meetings.
Sec 3 Acts of the Association. The acts of a majority of the membership present at any membership meeting at which a quorum, as per Article V, Sec 12, is present shall be the acts of the Association except as otherwise provided herein.
Sec 6 Order of Business. The order of business at membership meetings shall be in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised...."
Who carries out "the acts of the association"? The board. A motion was passed at the Feb 2015 membership mtg to hire an engineer to scrutinize the results of the last phase of paving job before the contractors' expiration date and retainers were released. This was inclusive of the grubbing and clearing job. No action was taken and one of the contractors is currently seeking his retention money and late fees. The other was paid off back in March 2015 I believe. Votes don't necessarily mean the board will carry them out. Why not is the question?
Order of business is to be conducted using RR's. The motion left on the floor at the June 2015 membership meeting needs to be agendized for the October 2015 membership meeting. The motion was that the board provide a chip seal presentation to the membership at a membership mtg to include membership vote. 4 members left to kill the quorum thinking the motion would die before the final vote was taken. Instead the motion should be continued at our next mtg. The board should not carry out any business w/chip seal until the membership hears what this will entail to do the job and the finances of it, to include estimated labor costs using our own crew, finalized by a membership vote.
The member who spoke out against chip seal w/samples in hand at the August 2015 board mtg was very passionate that HPP not waste our monies on it. He named other subdivisions that are having trouble w/it. He spoke about the "1" contractor the 4 board members were considering. The GM was absent that night. But some of this board seems adamant to move forward and regard concerned members as "scrappy residents" inciting other members to go after them. Certainly not behavior any board member should be exhibiting as it's in conflict w/our bylaws to encourage harmony in our community.
I wonder how the chip seal will hold up once the buffalo grass and weeds start coming up through it from neglected easements since it's more porous than asphalt? We have this situation w/this stuff growing over asphalt right now. These are questions we need answers to.
Members should participate in the content of our membership meeting agendas. Owner input shouldn't be at the end of our meetings. After 2 hrs, many members exit and many times there is no quorum to vote on important business. This is a very important part of the membership mtg. We also need to follow up on ensuring the business is carried out once voted on. More members need to participate in speaking up at meetings.