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One man's stab at explaining Hawaiian History.
quote by seekir:

I'm not convinced that a return to ancient religious notions and practices is a great path for Hawaiians, but it seems clear that many people in the islands are feeling hopeless in the face of the challenges they face trying to make a living and support their families."

Instead of coping an apologist attitude and blaming the white skinned man due to the actions of our multi-racial ancestors, their kapu systems and governments, the antidote is clearly E X P O S U R E to the outside world for mind expansion, not relying on daily marijuana smoking for it.

This is a remote island, making a living and supporting your family here is not a "right"(ok well to some/maybe most who generationally abuse the welfare and EBT system). Humans have feet not roots. In the 21st century a good parent wants their kids to explore the world if not their own country. The US mainland has some incredibly beautiful areas and great educational facilities, art and culture exhibits and much more. Our federal government has enough issues as it is economically not to be taxed by irresponsible groups with their hands out. Shame. They need to grow up and stop blaming where the money is and instead look in the mirror.

This is what my Hawaiian friends say, but hey they are positive folk who contribute to society.

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RE: One man's stab at explaining Hawaiian History. - by Punatic007 - 08-24-2015, 09:44 AM

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