08-24-2015, 10:54 PM
quote:Some, not all. The market is obviously glutted with such tradesman, so of course with a Supply far out-pacing demand, the price for such labor is low. If some, perhaps 25%, left the market by either upgrading their skills, or moving elsewhere, then the system would re-gain a semblance of balance.
Originally posted by seekir
Posted by Sugarloaf:
If the market doesn't offer sufficient wages, the choices are upgrade skills, or move on.
And don't let the door bump your okole on the way out.
The dilemma here in the islands seems to be that tradesmen and other laborers are fortunate if they can pay the bills. However tradesmen and laborers are essential to a functioning economy. Maybe all of them could "upgrade," or "move on?"
The problem with such desirable areas as Hawaii, is that far more people are attracted to the lifestyle and comforts thereby afforded, than the labor market can "support" - hence the glut.