08-25-2015, 06:39 AM
quote:I guess you won't ever get it, so I'll leave it at that, well plus this:
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
Obviously, you don't get it. I am echoing your attitude back at you...
Let's look at the progression of our comments. You asked me:
Are you saying or agreeing that if a person offers an opinion different than the mainstream, they should be sent to a mental hospital?
I replied:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but they're not entitled to express it in any way they see fit.
To which you responded:
I don't know about a mental hospital for HIM, but I know of somebody who really needs to find another country
I said Mr. Borden was entitled to his opinion. You told me to move to a "Peoples Republic." If you were echoing back my attitude your response would have been that although you don't agree with my comment, I too am entitled to my opinion, just like I said Mr. Bordon was.
Now if I were to make my comments on a street corner with graphic depictions of Mr. Borden as he might look after being drawn and quartered, or other condition in which he is not whole and healthy, then yes, you can go ahead and tell me where to go. Especially if children are present.
How did it feel to get the same sort of treatment you proposed for Mr. Borden? Judging from your hyper-defensive response, you didn't like it, so let this be a lesson learned. Respect other people's rights as you would have them respect yours. Simple lesson - learn it!!!!!
I take it you have no problem with the slaughter of the pre-born babies, as long as it's kept under wraps and not exposed for what it really is, but guess what - Mr. Borden and his rights under Article I, BOR (as well as myself) don't agree with you. Let the sunshine in and expose the infanticide for what it is. If I was a believer, I would say "God Bless Mr. Borden", but since I am not, I'll just say "Bless Mr. Borden". Just think of it as Ike forcefully showing the German people what really went on in the death camps. Don't want to see it, don't do it.
Have a great day.