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One man's stab at explaining Hawaiian History.
Originally posted by Kaimana

Originally posted by Sugarloaf
Another evidence-less, specious attack on our fine corporations. Got any examples of corporation taking money from ordinary people, and please, refrain from the rube that take exemptions that result in a corporation paying less in taxes, is the same as taking money from the people, any more than me paying you less for a product that you would like to get (in a fair transaction) is taking money from you. You got my money, just less of it.

I would hope that you are aware that America's corporate tax rates are the highest in the developed world, and it is much to the detriment of America. And then, when after-tax profits are divvied-up among the various owners (stockholders), lo-and-behold, it is taxed once again, i.e. double taxation.

I await your bill of particulars.

LMAO!!!! Wait, are you serious or are you trolling?

Serious, of course.

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RE: One man's stab at explaining Hawaiian History. - by Sugarloaf - 08-25-2015, 01:32 PM

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