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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plant
From the article:

"The maker of this plant, Makai, has just signed on to develop a 1 MW plant on the island of Kyushu in Japan and has been working with Lockheed Martin to plan a 100 MW installation in either Hawaii or Guam. Makai says that a plant of that size, which would operate offshore, would produce enough electricity for 100,000 Hawaiian homes and could be sold at only 20 cents per kWh."


No. It costs too much if they are going to have to sell the electricity for 20 cents per kwh when geothermal is already willing to sell us more power for half that! The PUC needs to stop allowing these high-priced electricity generating schemes to inflate the consumer's costs.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plant - by leilanidude - 08-26-2015, 05:51 AM

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