08-26-2015, 11:13 PM
quote:You left out the most important part. It was for the purpose of ending slavery - period. Do you have any idea how disingenuous it is to judge one group of people, living in a different era, with different norms, by your standards of your day? In any case, I fully support the Free-Speech rights of the gentleman. As far as the organization that M. Sanger created, she was a well known Racist, spoke often times before the Women's KKK advocating such measure, primarily, as a way to keep the black population under control. If you don't believe me, consult her autobiography. That would be the Biography about her that she wrote HERSELF, where she laid this all out, almost proudly. There have been hints of such purposes discussed in this very thread with references to Detroit, I believe it was. Once, again, I fully support the honorable Mr. Borden, and would even if I didn't believe in his cause, and I certainly don't advocate violence against him, as one malignant poster did in this thread. Aloooooha.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
verifies that the 3/5 rule was to dilute the population count of the South for purposes of allocation of Members of House of Reps.
Yes, that's right. They intended to count black people as 3/5ths of a human in order to dilute the population count. I'm sure that made black people feel better. After working without pay all day they probably sat around the supper table and said to each other, "We might only count as 3/5ths of a person, but the founders didn't do it intentionally, they did it with good intentions. It was just for accounting purposes. See the difference? It's not at all like how the founders intended to keep womenfolk from voting. Cause that's something that really does make sense."
Sugarloaf, as the posts you make on this thread don't relate to Puna or Hawaii, which is one of the stipulations of this site, I'll say to you for now, aloha.