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Does this really belong on the front page?
Originally posted by VancouverIslander

I will give you the long answer, so you can see how simple the issue is.

In any society, people have rights, but they often come in conflict with other people and their rights. Also, some rights, like the right to life, are more important than other rights, such as speech or to vote. You can't kill somebody in order to exercise you right to speech. The higher order right must always prevail when two rights conflict.

In this case, you have the right of the woman to have a degree of control over her body, vs the right of the pre-born child to live. In such a conflict, the right of the pre-born child to live, trumps the right of the woman to control her body. After all, the baby is NOT part of her, it is it's own self merely living INSIDE her. For example, a person inside your house, isn't part of your house - he or she is merely INSIDE (but not part of, your house). Unless their is a definite near certainty that carrying and giving birth to the human being insider the mother will kill the mother, the right of the pre-born child to life, trumps.

It is the right of life, on one hand, to the right of convenience on the other. The pre-born child's rights are not diminished to any degree by the circumstances which brought about its exists. Infanticide is infanticide - period.

Now if you can abort, and preserve the right of the child, well go ahead, but remember, if you kill the child, it is murder.

You seem to be missing the point in that whole argument. That is who exactly has rights. To have rights, you must be a person. To be a person you must meet certain criteria. Under the law, a fetus does not meet the criteria for personhood. Various jurisdictions have slightly different interpretation but almost universally personhood isn't recognized until the third trimester. Not a person, not murder. Some ethicists have even gone as far as arguing that personhood is not attained until the age of two, but most consider that an extreme view.

Just call me Mike

Well,, unless you attack a women, leave her alive, but cause the death or her in-utero child, and get prosecuted for murder. Except, well, for that....... BTW, these abortions are taking places days, even hours before natural live childbirth would occur, largely as a way to raise money for the Planned Infanticide organization performing them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Does this really belong on the front page? - by dmbwest - 08-24-2015, 11:42 PM
RE: Does this really belong on the front page? - by dmbwest - 08-25-2015, 04:40 AM
RE: Does this really belong on the front page? - by dmbwest - 08-25-2015, 07:48 AM
RE: Does this really belong on the front page? - by dmbwest - 08-26-2015, 08:08 AM
RE: Does this really belong on the front page? - by dmbwest - 08-26-2015, 01:03 PM
RE: Does this really belong on the front page? - by dmbwest - 08-26-2015, 03:01 PM
RE: Does this really belong on the front page? - by Sugarloaf - 08-26-2015, 11:16 PM

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