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One man's stab at explaining Hawaiian History.
Originally posted by Sugarloaf

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

business climate is against you. Geography is against you. Local culture, values and norms are against you

I have owned and operated a business in Hawaii since 1992.
I've also recently been described as infantile, moronic, and someone with no ability to make an accurate assessment of a situation, which one would think is a key component in running a long term successful company. So given that evidence, one would think almost anyone should be able to start a business in Hawaii.

Your comments were so labeled, not you, per se, and properly so. Why don't you tell us about your business and some of the obstacles you see in HI that don't exist elsewhere or, if they exist, are to a much lesser extent. And since my comments were more-specifically directed to the prospect of opening a "light manufacturing" business, tell us if yours is of that type.


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RE: One man's stab at explaining Hawaiian History. - by Sugarloaf - 08-27-2015, 09:18 AM

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